When you set goals you create two states of mind that can improve your life, whether you achieve your objectives or not. These two states of mind are awareness and flexibility. In my last post, I discussed how you create awareness when you set goals. So, today I’m going to discuss the link between setting…
Your New Year’s Resolutions-Are They Off Track Today?
How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? Or maybe I should back up a step: Did you make resolutions this New Year? Is it a process that you find useful? Fun? Discouraging? One thing we can probably all agree on is that New Year’s Resolutions are a mixed bag. They offer an opportunity to reflect and set…
Find Time to Give Yourself Traction AND Flexibility When Setting Goals!
What do I mean by using the word ‘traction’ when I write about goal-setting? Well, finding time to set goals for yourself creates two states of mind. Both can improve your life whether you achieve your objectives or not. They are “awareness” and “flexibility.” Traction comes into play under the state of mind that I…
Find Time to Set Goals as You Move Toward Success and Abundance!
Finding time to succeed, prosper, and experience abundance in your life … that’s something we’ll be focusing on here at The Time Finder as 2010 unfolds! Kick start your year of abundance and you’ll receive LOTS of excellent insights and ideas about this when you sign up for my interview with EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success & Master…
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