Social Networking, Time Boundaries and the Social Media Trap

Social networking is a powerful tool and a potentially devastating time drain. Millions of people connect every day on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms. And yet, there are plenty of people who see this as a major time trap and a reflection of self-absorption run amok. Take Twitter, for example… For many, Twitter is…

Sometimes Low-Tech is the Way to Go. What Do You Choose?

Low-tech isn’t exactly a buzz word in our high-tech world. – do you feel like you have to choose? And do you sometimes feel like the odd-person out? The thing is that when it comes to getting and staying organized, we’re barraged by a steady flow of new technological tools. They are constantly being developed and tweaked.…

Reflecting, Relaxing, Rejuvenating — Ideas to Nourish Your Soul

Reflecting on the past is one of the best steps you can take when building your future. That’s because reflecting isn’t just about looking back.  It’s about gleaning the lessons that the past offers and using them to inform where you go next. So, I found it really interesting, when reflecting back on this month’s…

Declutter Your Tabs for Faster Browsing and Finding Time

Browsing the web means opening tabs. And often, for those who work on the web or are engaged in social networking, you find yourself with lots and lots of tabs open. This creates clutter and unnecessary confusion. And that’s not all. It also slows your browser speed considerably, which significantly cuts into your efficiency while…

Your Boundaries, Your Time Choices, and Your Social Media Time

When you’re using social media, whether it’s for your business or your personal life, you really need to have strong boundaries. So today I want to walk you through some foundational boundary-setting skills. Setting boundaries is about focus. And it requires that you learn to be proactive about your time choices.  The most important thing…

Social Networking Challenges? Here are 3 Tips to Help

Finding time is a challenge when social networking is on your to-do list. That’s because it can be so tempting to get ‘lost’ in cyberspace. So, what can you do when you are at your computer and temptations like web-surfing, some ‘extracurricular’ social-networking, Google, and/or Amazon tug at you? Indeed, this is one of the…

Pictual and an E-mail Cyber Monday Time Tip!

Pictual is a nifty app that my VA just discovered for creating infographics to share in social media. If you’d like to find a way to quickly create a visual update to share with your friends and followers, then I suggest that you take a look at Pictual.