Finding time to connect and share information can be made considerably easier when you use the available social networking tools. Many or most of you are probably familiar with Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Maybe you have also checked out tools like Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Digg, Technorati and Delicious. Each one offers slightly different capacities and each…
Find Time to Read It … Then Spread It with Reddit!
Find Time and Lots of Tweets Using Twitter Search on Cyber Monday

Finding time to find what you’re looking for on Twitter and make the most of this social networking tool can be a tall task. But did you know that Twitter includes a search function to help you find the tweets and tweeple you most want to view? The simple form is right on your Home…
Find Time by Keeping up With Social Networking

Finding time to keep up with your social networks can be a challenge on top of everything else that you do each day. We’ve written about some tools that can help save you time and stay connected in our Time and Technology category on The Time Finder. If you’re someone who works on the internet,…
Finding Time to Explore the Twitter Blog (on Cyber Tuesday)!

Finding time to Tweet and explore Twitter is a pretty high priority for many, judging from the ongoing popularity and growth of that social networking tool. Indeed, according to Twitter’s own stats, their active users have increased 900% over the past year! Did you know that there’s a Twitter Blog? It looks like a great…
Finding Time to Tweet … and Not to Tweet

I’m finding time to blog on this freezing New Hampshire Friday morning! Here’s hoping this finds you warm, well, enjoying each of your moments, and looking ahead to a nice weekend. Responding to yesterday’s post, Wendy Battles from Healthy Endeavors (and Twitter) wrote about the challenges that can crop up with Twitter. She noted that…
Let’s Connect!