On Track and On Time-Maintain Focus with Strong Boundaries

Staying on track and on time, whether you are working alone on a project or managing other people is a key skill for productivity and success. Digging down a bit, we see that staying on track is about maintaining focus.  And digging down a little further, I’d add that it’s about knowing

Google Reader: Find Alternatives Now to Save Time

Google Reader, as many of you have probably read by now, is being phased out, effective July 1, 2013. This is part of Google’s ongoing efforts to streamline its services.  However, for many consumers of on-line material, the demise of Google Reader comes as a big blow.  Are you 

Find Time for Some Resolution Remedies from Solo-E this Cyber Monday!

This Cyber Monday I want to draw your attention to a very special offer from Solo-E that is available through Friday, February 5th! Not familiar with Solo-E?  Founded in 2003 by Terri Zwierzynski, Solo-E is a virtual learning resource (and vibrant community) for solo entrepreneurs! They are hosting a one-of-a-kind event that couldn’t be more…

Find Time to Manage Your In-Box and EMPTY It Each Day

Finding time to manage your in-box, let alone EMPTY it, may seem an impossibility. Not so, says Marty Marsh in an intriguing new post on the Solo-Entrepreneur blog titled “Never Check E-Mail in the Morning.” His basic advice? Only check your e-mail at certain times during the day, Act on every piece of e-mail you…