Finding Time for September’s Time Finder Favorites!

Finding time to welcome a new month means looking ahead, as well as appreciating what has been.  It’s a new beginning and a chance to pause and reflect. What will October hold for each of us?  What was most meaningful, as we let go of September and move ahead? I so enjoy the opportunity, each…

Finding Time to Write the Right Lists for YOU!

Finding time to get everything done and still make time and space in your life for what’s most important to you is one of your biggest, daily challenges, isn’t it? Yesterday we talked about using templates as one very effective method for addressing seasonal or repetitive activities and tasks.  This morning I’d like to take…

Find Time to Overcome Internet Regret on Cyber Monday

Finding time for what matters most to you is a matter of setting priorities and then following through on your time choices.  Sound simple?  In a way it is.  But, as with so many things, the details of implementation can be a challenge. As an example of one of the thorniest challenges of our digital…

Find Time by Putting Your Heart Into It

Finding time to complete all of your tasks isn’t the point.  Not by a mile.  If you’ve visited here before, you know that my HeartBased Time Management System is, first and foremost, about tuning into what matters most to you … and finding time for it. That’s why I was so pleased to come upon…

Find Time to Live from Your Unique and Powerful Place of Truth

Finding time to live authentically and powerfully in the world … walking, breathing, and choosing from the depth of our truest selves … is one of the most fundamental and rewarding challenges of our lives.  To meet that challenge, we are called to sift through all the different voices that speak to us and learn…

Finding Time to Align Your Priorities with Your Deepest Values

Finding time to make choices that are in sync with your heart can be a challenge in the midst of the clamor of competing demands and responsibilities. Who and what do you listen to, when you are setting your priorities?  And do you set priorities at all? These are good questions to ask yourself periodically. …

Find Time to Do It All With Seesmic Desktop 2

Finding time to manage and interact with your social networks just got a big boost from Seesmic with the release of their new Seesmic Desktop 2.  As they say in their introductory e-mail, “The inspiration to build SD2 came from the understanding that our users desired support of many different social services, more than just…