Your Sponge Activities Help Make the Most of Your Time

What are your sponge activities and how do you use them? Well, sponge activities are probably very familiar to the teachers (or former teachers) among us. Typically used in the classroom, a sponge activity is something that teachers give students to work on ‘in-between’ other things. They might use them to keep the students busy…

What Does a Sponge Have to Do with Time Skills?

Well, actually what I’m going to be talking about here aren’t sponges but sponge activities. If you’re a teacher or former teacher, you may be quite familiar with sponge activities. They are typically used in classrooms as a way to fill time between other projects and pursuits. But I want to expand on that concept…

Self-Care, Your Energy, and Transitional Time

Self-care is something that we’ll be writing more about in the coming weeks and months. That’s because if you’re not taking full responsibility for your self-care, you are daily sending yourself out into the world undernourished and unprepared. We would never do that to a child, or advise 

Sponge Activities: Use Them to Optimize Your Time!

Sponge activities are probably very familiar to the teachers (or former teachers) among us. Typically used in the classroom, I think that we can all use sponge activities to make the most of our time! But before I share my ideas, here’s a description of sponge activities and how they are used by teachers.  This…