Your Heart-Based Success Story — It’s a Step-by-Step Journey

Your heart-based success story is a process. It’s not something that comes all at once. Indeed, finding time to move from where you are to where you would like to be is a good way to describe heart-based success. I like it because it’s a definition that emphasizes the step-by-step nature of the journey. It’s…

The Mirage of Tomorrow — How to Stop Procrastinating Today

What makes tomorrow a mirage? After all, it’s the day after today. Well, tomorrow is a mirage because, if you pause to think about it you’ll notice that it never actually arrives. So, making time choices that help you stop delegating tasks to endless “tomorrow’s” is a skill worth cultivating. Mirage vs. Reality I use…

Chunking Tasks: Quick Help to Stop Procrastinating Today

What do I mean by chunking tasks? And how will it help you stop procrastinating? Well, chunking tasks is actually one of the best time management skills that you can ever develop for yourself.   It makes challenging jobs doable and lets you step out of the procrastination trap. But before we explore this new…

Actionable Steps: Your Key for Accomplishing Your Goals

Setting goals with actionable steps opens up all kinds of doors. And creating and managing your to-do lists so that they break your tasks into small chunks that don’t overwhelm you is really worth the upfront investment.  Creating actionable steps for your goals and tasks takes practice and commitment. No one system is going to…

Changing the Dance Creates Possibilities for You

What do I mean by changing the dance? And what does that have to do with time? Well, making changes in our lives is all about steps. And even though there’s an adage that says it’s true, I don’t believe that taking a new step forward necessarily has to mean taking two steps backward.  No…

Truly, It’s the Only Way Change Happens — A-Day-At-A-Time

A-day-at-a-time is the mantra for your incremental path to time success. And taking it a-day-at-a-time is advice that’s so pervasive in our culture that it’s easy to not really take in its import. How often have you heard that phrase? And the bigger question: How often have you acted on it? Yes, it’s true. A-day-at-a-time…

Drowning in Paper Clutter? Here’s Your 3-Step Path to Clutter-Free Calm

Finding time to deal with clutter is a challenge we all face. And paper clutter, for many, presents its own unique challenges. As someone who accumulates paper, and yes, paper clutter, I definitely have moments when I feel like I am drowning. Maybe it’s the interesting article I plan to read. Sometimes it’s the letter I need to answer or…