Making time to let go of stress when tasks are pressing and time feels like it is rushing by is a big challenge. And yet, choosing to take a moment to let go of stress in the midst of all that enhances your efficiency and effectiveness greatly. It also vastly improves your experience of each…
Hit Pause and Give Yourself Some Breathing Room
When you hit pause you give yourself new options and new energy, no matter what is happening in your life or how much is on your to-do list. We often may find ourselves moving at an alarming speed these days. Whether you work at home or commute to your workplace, how often are you in…
Finding Freedom from Your Stress
Finding freedom from the stress in your life is all about your choices. That means that you hold the power. Your stress drains your energy and keeps you from enjoying your time to its fullest. And when your stress is in charge, you rush through moments, make mistakes, and ultimately lose time as you have…
Use Your Words to Reduce Your Stress
Yes, you can use your words to reduce your stress. Words affect your energy and can actually change it. That’s very good news because it means you hold the power in your hands. We all encounter stress from day to day and minute to minute. It’s a fundamental fact of living for everyone. Since it’s…
Time to Be Still — How Making Time to Slow Down Restores You
Making time to be still may feel counter-intuitive when you are busy or stressed. But it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself. In fact, making time to reinvigorate and restore yourself is a vital use of your time. When it comes to efficiency and effectiveness, pausing to give yourself an energy…
When Time is Short — 5 Tips for Making the Most of What You Have
When time is short, finding time is especially challenging. Indeed, when you are stressed and rushed, how do you find time to do what you need to do? Today, as we embark on a new month, I want to share 5 timely tips with you. They are practical and simple, and are especially important for…
Viewing Your Deadlines — How a Fresh Perspective Helps
Does viewing your deadlines fill you with dread? Well, what I want to tell you today is that you can change that. Making time to actively welcome and appreciate each moment enlivens your day. And something as simple as viewing your deadlines differently can help with that. So, if you feel haunted by the upcoming…
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