Gmail Chrome Extensions Track Your Mail and Save Time!

For Gmail users, MailTrack is a free Chrome Extension that is worth taking a look at. What it does is simple – and very helpful.  It lets you know whether your mail has been opened.  This is a functionality that many businesses already include in their e-mail systems, but it hasn’t generally been available for…

Remembering What Matters in Just 30 Seconds of Your Time

Remembering what matters is a time and productivity challenge that has many people stymied. In today’s culture, information is flying at us from all angles – and what we find ourselves remembering is too often rather random, if we remember at all!

Productivity App Advice: Lifehacker’s Timely Tips!

Productivity is something that most of us are seeking to maximize, whether we are coaches, entrepreneurs, busy moms, small business owners, or students.  And making the most of the time we have is a goal that can be powerfully aided by the right technological tools. That’s why I always look forward to 

Blogging Buzz: 7 Timely Tips!

Blogging is a wonderful way to connect with people.  And if you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, blogging is fast becoming an indispensable means for establishing yourself in your niche. So, as you can imagine, making your blog accessible, attractive, and SEO-friendly is a key element 

Facebook Marketing: Powerful Resources and Timely Tips

Facebook marketing is an important ingredient in the business plans for many coaches, solopreneurs and small business owners these days.  But Facebook marketing can feel like a moving target 

System Maintenance: Regular Checks Save Time

System maintenance is one of those key tasks that (too often) gets pushed to the bottom of the priority pile.  And yet, just as regular exercise and a healthy diet keep your body in shape, system maintenance is your assurance that everything is “go” in your on-line world. Maybe you can’t control

Finding Time to Get to Know You This Cyber Monday!

Finding time is a perennial challenge – and finding time to connect, while getting everything else done, can really feel impossible sometimes.  Know what I mean? We’ve been wrestling with these questions here at The Time Finder, looking at time tracking tools and new social networking sites, along with