Finding time to format your plain text e-mails is a necessary task that can definitely consume time that you don’t always have. That’s why I was so pleased to read, in one of Heather Dominick’s recent EnergyRich e-zines, about an easy-breezy tool that takes care of that plain text formatting chore in seconds! You can…
Find Time to Deal With All the Paper!
Finding time to deal with clutter is a challenge we all face … and for many, paper is right at the top of the list! As someone who accumulates paper, I keep coming back to that question – “How Do I Deal with All the Paper?” 3 Tips Here are 3 tips that I have…
Find Time to Deal with Your Paper-Just Ask Paula (or Maggie)!
Finding time for dialogue with members of the Finding Time community is one of my favorite things, and last night’s call with Certified Life Coach Maggie McCauley was a great example. Were you there? Maggie shared a boatload of ideas and information about moving “From Chaos to Peace—Creating an Inspired Workspace.” If you couldn’t make…
Find Time to Cut Through Clutter and Chaos with Inspiring Insights!
Finding time to dig out when clutter has overtaken the spaces in your life is a little like dealing with a snowstorm! (Funny how metaphors just spring to mind sometimes!) This morning, as a mix of freezing rain and heavy, wet snow blankets the Northeast, wreaking chaos, overturning plans, and creating stress … I am…
Find Time to Remember to Use Your To Do List-Just Ask Paula!
Finding time for dialogue with members of the Finding Time community is one of my favorite things! We invite readers’ questions and comments – and I love highlighting them here, most Thursday’s. Read on – and please feel free to join in! John Fieglein from Annapolis, Maryland, writes: Dear Paula, When you write and talk…
Find Time for Agility and Nimbleness!
Finding time and being efficient is often thought of as a matter of developing systems and being steady and disciplined about sticking to them. And don’t get me wrong – those skills are very important! But the recent blizzard(s) that have inundated and paralyzed the Mid-Atlantic region of the US provide a reminder of the…
Find Time for Calm by De-Cluttering-3 Tips
Finding time in the midst of “busyness” for a calm moment can be a little like finding clear space in a cluttered office. It can seem impossible – and I’m here to tell you that it’s a great gift that you can give to yourself – and it’s NOT impossible at all! Finding your calm…
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