Cyber Monday Tips for Finding Time

Cyber Monday on The Time Finder is all about sharing tech tools and tips to help you work more efficiently and find more time! Today I’d like to share a nifty-looking free tool for combining files, along with two Chrome extensions that make Dropbox even more easy to use.  And then last, but not least,…

De-Cluttering Tech Tool to Help You Find Time!

De-cluttering is always a great time-saver and stress reducer. And de-cluttering gives you a boost whether your clutter is in your physical space, your mental space, or the nooks and crannies of your virtual world.  No matter where it resides, clutter drains 

Search Meter and Make JPEG Droplet: 2 Tools to Increase Productivity and Save Time

Search stats, as we learn from Sandra DeFreitas in her recent, informative blog post, offer very valuable information about what blog readers are looking for on your blog.  Her post is titled “How to Really Know What Your Visitors are Looking for so You Can Give it to Them!” – and I just love the idea…

Tech Tools, Multitasking Traps and Other Time Finder Favorites

Tech tools topped the list of Time Finder Favorites this past month – a fact I discovered as I reviewed our blog stats for May.  I love looking at what readers are drawn to, as it gives me ideas for additional posts. And that’s especially true when a post surprises me with it’s popularity ……

Tech Tips: Twipster, Tabman, and an Evernote Tweak Help You Find Time!

Tech tips are what we’re about on our Cyber Monday’s here at The Time Finder.  And today I’d like to share 3 tools and tweaks to help you use your time more efficiently when you are on line. As always, with tech tips, the key is to find the ones that work for YOU!  It…

Time-Saving Tech Tools This Cyber Monday to Find Time

Time-saving tech tools streamline your on-line work.  The trick is to find the ones that suit your work style, and then use them enough that they become part of your flow. It’s important, too, to not get so caught up in using the latest and greatest time-saving tool that you are constantly tweaking and 

Time-Saving Tip: Try Google Keep to Find Time!

Time-saving tools are always helpful, and the simpler they are, the better they are.  That’s why I was intrigued to read about this free Chrome extension for jotting quick notes. It’s called Google Keep and it’s very easy to install and use.  Once set-up, this