Time Challenges Tripping You Up? This Helps.

Dealing with time challenges can sometimes feel like a race around countless roadblocks that pop up, can’t it? And some of the trickiest obstacles you’re likely to encounter as you journey through your day are time challenges that almost feel like they have personalities of their own.   I’ve called them time gremlins in the…

Flexibility and Compassion Help with Time Challenges, NOT Your Inner Critic

Flexibility and compassion are two keys to increasing your time management skills and meeting daily time challenges successfully. No matter how well you plan your time, there are bound to be glitches and bumps in the road. How you manage them defines your day, as surely as your plans do. Consider this scenario — one that’s familiar…

Transitions, To-Do Lists and Time – Oh My!

Transitions – they are happening all the time. And they are, by definition, disruptive. If you think about it, waves are disruptive, too.  They rearrange our beaches and shorelines constantly – but surfers love them! So, that’s how it is with 

Review, Reflect, and Renew: Some Favorites for Finding Time

A review of the past always deepens the present and informs the future. And when it comes to time management, finding time for this sort of review takes a moment now, but greatly enhances your efficiency and effectiveness as the hours and days unfold. Here at The Time Finder, we always look back and review…

Proactive Time Choices Power Up Your Energy and Your Time

Proactive Time Choices offer a clear answer to lots of difficult time challenges and nagging time questions.  They are also a surefire path to empowerment and enhanced energy. But it can be very easy to fall into reactivity when it comes to time. How about you? Do you feel like you spend most of your 

Time Finder Favorites: June 2014 Edition

Here at The Time Finder we always mark the beginning of a new month with a look back at the old one.  Reviewing what readers of The Time Finder were drawn to in June gives us a place to begin, as we look ahead and plan what we’ll be writing about in July. And of course,…

Starting When You Finish-Create a Beginning to Find Time

Starting a project is often the most challenging step in moving toward a goal. Whether you’re creating an info product, starting to write a book or special report, creating a business plan, working on your taxes … whatever it is, the first step can be difficult.  And we all know that if starting has you stymied,…