When you slow down you give yourself space. In the midst of busy times there is nothing more rejuvenating! On some level, it doesn’t matter if you slow down for 30-seconds or 30-minutes. Simply making the choice to give yourself this gift means that you are in charge. And while making time to breathe and
Stages of Change and Your Time Choices
Have you heard of the 6 stages of change? Change is one of the constants in our lives – and we often tend to balk at changes. So that’s where the idea of stages of change becomes really helpful! In 1997 psychology professor James Prochaska created a very
Choosing to Savor in Stillness Transforms Your Time
Choosing to savor transforms your time! Choosing is a complex and often unconscious process. Whether it’s choosing what’s ‘best’ or choosing what we want, or making choices based on other considerations, we are constantly choosing. We do it hundreds of times each day – choosing. One moment it’s an active choice and maybe the next…
Chip Kelly, the Philadelphia Eagles, and Finding Time
Chip Kelly and Philadelphia Eagles are probably not words you’d ever have expected to see at the start of a post on The Time Finder. But bear with me – he’s got some interesting things to say about time! I’ve been learning about Chip Kelly from my VA, who is a serious fan of the…
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