Find Time to Connect in Every Venue and Include YOU!

Finding time to connect using the available on-line social venues can be a time-consuming task.  Just today I linked up in two new (to me) places … BranchOut on Facebook, and It can be great fun to explore the networking sites and tools available on the web.  Furthermore, if you are a small business…

Get to Your Goals the Flexible Way-3 Time Tips!

Finding time to create and get to your goals while being flexible might sound like a contradiction.  But you know what?   It doesn’t have to be.  In fact, I would say that flexibility is key to attaining your goals AND setting goals can actually help you develop your flexibility. The following tips will enable…

Find Time to Turn Your Fear Into a Path to Your Strength: Empower Yourself and Recharge Your Time!

Finding time to work with difficult feelings like fear can ultimately recharge your energy and confidence. And the good news is that it doesn’t need to eat up a lot of your time to get there. Indeed, as you develop the habit of looking your difficult feelings right in the eye, you’ll find that it’s…

Find Time to Move Through Fear

Finding time is not just a matter of time management.  That’s an odd thing for a time management coach to say, but it’s true … and important. Finding time is a matter of energy management, too.  If you neglect this vital piece, you will not be finding time; you’ll just be working harder and faster,…

Find Time to Move Through Your Time Fears and Keep Blogging-3 Time Tips!

Finding time to keep that blog of ours going is, it turns out, probably the biggest fear that most of us have about blogging.  That’s what Denise Wakeman explored recently in her post titled “What’s Your Biggest Fear About Blogging?” Blogging is a key component in any successful on-line business but, as the poll she…