Looking back over Time Finder favorites for this past month, I noticed that energy, exercise, and IQTELL were topics that were right at the top of the list for our readers. I review our blog statistics as part of my ritual for closing out the old and welcoming the new month. It’s one of the…
Beat Procrastination and Stress-Tops from The Time Finder!
Procrastination is a stumbling block for lots and lots of folks, and if you’re one of them, you know how frustrating and self-defeating it can be. Whether you’re a student, a working Mom, a small business owner, an online entrepreneur, or anyone with goals and tasks to accomplish, procrastination does nothing but get in your way…
Finding Time with Balance, Breathing, Planning and Other Top Posts from The Time Finder!
Finding time is always a challenge – and The Time Finder is all about helping you with that! And one of my favorite monthly rituals is finding time to go back and review what readers were most drawn to in the previous month on The Time Finder. You’ll notice that in some cases, they are…
Tech Tools, Multitasking Traps and Other Time Finder Favorites
Tech tools topped the list of Time Finder Favorites this past month – a fact I discovered as I reviewed our blog stats for May. I love looking at what readers are drawn to, as it gives me ideas for additional posts. And that’s especially true when a post surprises me with it’s popularity ……
Time and What It Holds: December Favorites on The Time Finder
Time surely marches on. We are probably never more aware of that than when a New Year begins. And so, as we look back on last month’s Time Finder Favorites, we also look ahead. I hope that 2013 holds many rich and deepening moments for you … and much time success! Time Holds Everything. That…
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