What If Your Time Legacy Gives You Mixed Messages?

In a previous post I wrote about the importance of recognizing your time legacy. These are the ideas about time that you learned from important people in your life. When you carry them into your present, they have a profound impact on your time choices, and ultimately on how you experience your life. So, it’s…

Your Time Legacy — How It Affects Your Here and Now

Are you ready to create fresh potentials for yourself and your time? Here’s an opportunity to explore what currently holds you back. You can gather profound insights by traveling to your roots. From your first breath, your family’s time choices shaped you. And their time legacy still moves through you like an invisible force –…

Your Time and Your Family Legacy — Tips from the Finding Time E-zine

Have you ever thought about your time legacy? By that I mean the thoughts and feelings about time that you learned from your parents and grandparents. Most often, when we see the word ‘legacy’ it brings to mind a monetary inheritance. But there’s so much more that we inherit from our families. Your time legacy…

Find Freedom and Clarity When You Travel Back to Your “Time Roots”

Old messages that we’ve all learned about time often hold us back without our even noticing. So exploring your “time roots” is a powerful path for getting yourself untangled from old messages about time that may be tripping you up. If you’re ready to step into greater clarity and time success, here’s one step to take…

Time Tips for You Every Month from The Finding Time E-zine

Time tips come in handy, no matter what kinds of challenges life presents. And today I want to give you a sample of the kinds of time tips – really life tips – that I share each month in my Finding Time E-zine. It’s at the forefront of my mind today, because I am setting…

Find Time to Uncover Your Time Legacy: What Do You Carry into Your Present from Your Past?

Finding time to discover your time legacy — the childhood roots of your current relationship with time — can be hugely rewarding! Indeed, there are many things that we inherit from our families, and uncovering your time legacy, so that you can make conscious choices about what to keep and what to leave behind, will…