The inner critic … are you familiar with yours? We all have voices that chatter in our heads throughout the day – and the inner critic is one of them. Learning to recognize these voices, or sub-selves, as I call them, is a powerful and transformative time tool.
Your Inner Critic-Recognizing and Countering This Negative Voice
Filed Under: Time and Energy, Time Management Skills Tagged With: adult voice, choices, compassion, control, critical, critical message, exercise, feel guilty, inner critic, judgment, powerful, realistic, reducing stress, self-criticism, Time Choices, tone of voice, transformative, undermining, your power
Self-Criticism: See It, Stop It, and Find Time
Self-criticism is one of the most debilitating time traps that we engage in … and many of us do it without even knowing. We all have voices that chatter in our heads throughout the day. and they directly shape our time choices.
Filed Under: Time and Energy Tagged With: adult voice, critical message, critical voices, daily time choices, energy change, feel guilty, find time, goals and values, guilt, inner critic, practical tips, self-criticism, Time Choices, time traps, tone of voice, transform, voices
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