6 Stages of Change Help You Transform Your Time

The 6 stages of change offer an approach to self-transformation that is at once powerful, practical, and profound. The more you explore your power to direct your life, the more successfully you can plan your time. This is true no matter what challenges life presents. In 1997 psychology professor James Prochaska created a very effective…

Embrace Your Aging to Transform It for Yourself

The idea of proactively greeting the transitions of aging may seem counter-intuitive, or even a little disturbing at first blush. But bear with me. The reality is that the way you frame any change or transition is going to go a long way toward defining, not only your responses but also your outcomes. So, embracing your…

Small Steps Get You to Your Goal — Just Ask a Marathoner

Small steps are the increments that carry you to big transformations. But do you celebrate those steps? I mean those incremental ones that move you from where you are to where you’d like to be. You see, incremental work is powerful, and it’s also some of the hardest work you’ll ever do. Why is that?…

From Fear to Courage — Small Steps and Your Inner Lizard

Fear stifles creativity, shuts down new ideas, and just plain stops people in their tracks. When you’re in the grip of fear, courage often feels like a death-defyingly out of reach choice. Some part of you says “danger” and whatever you were contemplating looks like a risk too big to venture — a step too big…

Awakenings, Travel Vision, and Time Transformation

Awakenings don’t have to be limited to the dawning light of morning. No, they can happen any time. I like to think of Awakenings as small choices you and I make to open our minds and our eyes and touch life directly. Awakenings are vivid and electric. They transform our moments and, by extension, ourselves. If you’re someone…

Stages of Change and Your Time Choices

Have you heard of the 6 stages of change? Change is one of the constants in our lives – and we often tend to balk at changes. So that’s where the idea of stages of change becomes really helpful! In 1997 psychology professor James Prochaska created a very 

Deepen into Strong Time for Heart-Based Peace and Calm

Strong Time is a powerful concept that has its roots in the early 20th century.  First described by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim, the core ideas about strong time were then expanded upon by the