Time boundaries are a key time management tool, and one that we often think of when focus and concentration are necessary for completing a task. But time boundaries are vital, not just for your efficiency and effectiveness, they are fundamentally important for your well-being, too.
Time Balance: The Key to Sustaining Yourself and Your Productivity!
Time balance is a key component in your tool box of time management skills. Many people believe that productivity is best maintained by being busy all the time. In fact, this couldn’t be farther from the truth! Your productivity is predicated on staying focused and keeping your energy and motivation from flagging. And time balance is…
Finding Time to Listen to Yourself – Just Ask Paula
Finding time to catch your breath and connect with yourself is such an important, nourishing and empowering thing to do! And so often it is the thing that we let go of first. Just listen to this recent question that Jen, in Tulsa, e-mailed to me … Dear Paula, I really enjoy reading about how…
Find Time to Take a Breather and Recharge Your Energy and Productivity, Too!
Finding time to take those all-important, refreshing breaks is one of the hardest things for busy and productive people to do. There’s always that one more thing! You know, the one that keeps you task-bound and, ultimately, saps your energy, enthusiasm, and productivity. It can even affect your health. Here’s what one reader has been…
Find Time by Giving Your “Outer” Critic Less Air Time!
“Outer” Critic — what’s that? Well, in some recent blog posts we’ve focused on the ways that your inner critic can rob you of time and energy – and ways that you can put a stop to that! This is your outer critic… I recently coached a client who was struggling with her “outer” critic. …
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