FitNotes Free Exercise App – Find Time to Track Your Fitness Routine

FitNotes is a free exercise app for your Android or iPhone. Have you heard of it? It was suggested to us by a reader in response to our post titled Exercise Apps – Here are Two Top Contenders to Help with Your Workout. FitNotes has been around for a number of years now, and it’s a…

Exercise Apps – Here are Two Top Contenders to Help with Your Workout

Exercise is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. On a chilly, rainy day, you might question that statement, but it’s really true. When it comes to self-care, your exercise regimen is one of the best time investments you can make. I recently wrote about some of the ways that exercise boosts your…

Follow-Through is Vital, Energizing, and Well Worth Your Time!

Follow-through is one of the most powerful and trust-building tools in your time-finding tool box. Especially at this time of year, when so many of us have made resolutions – what we do next is important on a multitude of levels. When we make resolutions we are basically 

Exercise for Health in 2013: Keep Yourself Going with Affirmations!

Exercise is a fundamental key to a healthy lifestyle.  And yet, for busy people, exercise is often the thing that gets shelved to make way for other responsibilities and tasks. But here’s the thing:  exercise is one of the most energizing and stress-reducing activities you can engage in.  When you skip it, you are