Time’s Everyday Mysteries — How Do They Make You Feel?

Time’s everyday mysteries are embedded in our daily existence. And yet, how often do we even notice them? How often do we move through the days of your lives, one after another, hardly looking up from the tasks we are trying to complete? There’s another mystery in that, I suppose. But let’s consider the mysteries that…

Your Wise Priorities — Let Them Be Your Guide

Your time success is quite often an exercise in setting and implementing your wise priorities. But first, you need to KNOW them. That’s where my 3/3/3 exercise comes in. Like all exercises, the more you practice recognizing and establishing your wise priorities the more ‘prioritizing muscle’ you develop.  It makes you stronger. Part of what…

Fall Back and Stay on Track — Managing Time Changes Wisely

It’s time to fall back again this weekend. How do you manage this change in your life? Does it throw you off track every year? Finding time to begin and end Daylight Saving Time is a ritual that most of us here in the United States are very familiar with. The exceptions here are Arizona, Hawaii, and…

Sudden Changes Throwing You Off Track? 5 Tips to Help You Manage

Sudden changes are so disruptive, aren’t they? And yet, our world is filled with change, all the time. Dealing with the sudden changes that can present themselves to us is a difficult challenge. It’s a challenge that’s compounded by the fact that, by definition, we are unprepared for them. So, what can you do to…

Staying Present All Through the Holidays — How Reflection Points Help

Staying present, energetic, and refreshed over the span of the holiday season can be a big challenge. It’s also a wonderful gift to give yourself and your family and friends. But there’s so much to do. Staying present often gets lost in the shuffle. That’s why I propose that you give yourself the gift of…

Conquer Your Inner Critic — 5 Easy Steps to Get It Done

When you conquer your inner critic you give yourself access to your full self. While your to-do lists and schedules have an impact on your time, so do your thoughts, feelings, and values.  As a first step toward time success, there are few things quite as freeing as learning to harness the energy that gets…

Holiday Gift-Giving — Have You Considered a Gift of Time?

Finding time can be a challenge throughout the year, and holiday gift-giving ideas are often hard to come by. That’s especially true if it’s getting to be the last-minute and you’re not sure when you’ll even be able to get to a store. But keep this in mind: For many people in our fast-paced world…