Questions are Powerful Time Tools, So Try This When You’re Stuck

Asking questions is a tried and true method for gaining information and for learning. Just ask Socrates. But did you ever consider the ways that asking yourself questions can function as a powerful time management strategy? It really can, and in part that’s because asking yourself some targeted questions always requires you to pause. So…

Reflecting, Relaxing, Rejuvenating — Ideas to Nourish Your Soul

Reflecting on the past is one of the best steps you can take when building your future. That’s because reflecting isn’t just about looking back.  It’s about gleaning the lessons that the past offers and using them to inform where you go next. So, I found it really interesting, when reflecting back on this month’s…

Transitions, Tech Tips and Strong Time — 3 Top Posts to Revisit and Savor

Transitions are all about letting go of one thing and taking hold of another. And it’s the time in-between where so much of the learning takes place. So, how you manage your transitions offers powerful hints what will happen next. In fact, you could say that it defines what happens next. Do you review, savor,…

Deadlines Have You on the Run? This Will Help.

Deadlines are one of the biggest stress inducers out there. This is especially true if procrastination is an issue for you. So, what helps? Learning to set and maintain time priorities is a powerful time management tool — and one that helps immeasurable in de-stressing and amping up your productivity. Where do you start? A…

Decluttering, Gratitude, Flexibility and Gmail — Time Finder Favorites

Decluttering was high on the list of readers’ priorities this past month. That’s just one of the things we discovered as we looked back at our top posts. Looking back provides a base, always, for stepping ahead. This is true whether you’re analyzing the performance of your blog, setting priorities for a new month, or trying…

Decluttering Challenge and Other January Time Finder Favorites

Decluttering seemed to be on everyone’s mind this month. It’s not so surprising, this being the time that we often set goals and make resolutions. So, our post titled Decluttering in Doable Chunks — Your 52-Week Challenge is right at the top of our list of Time Finder favorites for January. Have you read it yet? If not,…

Moving into the New. So, What Do You Bring as You Begin Your Journey?

Everything is new again. Making a new beginning is marked by a feeling of anticipation and maybe a little nervousness. It’s also marked by a letting go of things you don’t need for the next step of your journey. That’s because stepping into the new always means ending something. And by the same token, marking…