Time Balance and Other September Time Finder Favorites for You!

Time balance - find it today!Time Balance, transitions, priorities, and managing online time topped the list of Time Finder readers’ favorites during the month of September.  With school starting, vacations ending, and the season turning from summer to fall (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), it’s not surprising that subjects like time balance and navigating changes would be on people’s minds.

Our #1 post for the month of September was a post titled Values: Find Time to Prioritize What’s Most Important to You.  In it I share 5 practical tips for clarifying your values.  This is a vital exercise because …

Values – what you hold as most important in your life – these are the things that, in large part, define you and guide your time choices. Yet quite often, we have not reached clarity about our values. They are guiding us, but at an unconscious level.

So, clarifying your values is a great way to come to know yourself better and to make sure that when you spend your time, you are spending it on what matters most to you!

Transition Time: Transform Your Energy to Thrive Through Changes was our #2 post.  The time choices, small and large, that you make during transition times are key to managing your energy and the opportunities that transitions present.  My quick transition inventory …

… offers new perspective about unmanageable portions of your day and can highlight serious drains on your energy battery. You may also recognize just how much you are accomplishing!

The next two top posts focused on time balance.  Titled Time Balance Enhances Your Energy: 3 Timely Tips and Time Balance: Finding It and Keeping It, these posts offer lots of practical tips for finding and maintaining balance in your life.  As you move forward into autumn and the coming holiday season, balance is key to your well-being!

… you can move toward time balance by first noticing when you are involved with one or the other kind of energy in your life. For example, are you thinking about work continually? Driving yourself to do more, succeed more? Or do you spend most of your time engaged in creative daydreaming, nesting, and thinking about how significant relationships are faring?

And speaking of balance, does your online time feel out-of-balance with your values?  Is it taking more energy than you wish it did?  Our post titled Is Your Time Stolen by Online Activities? Try These 5 Timely Tips! offers practical advice to help you reclaim your time and rediscover your time balance.

Online time management is a challenge, isn’t it? How many times have you been focused on a project, only to have temptations like e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Amazon tug at you.

Maintaining focus and staying in charge of your time is a top priority for most folks – and especially so for entrepreneurs and small business owners. So, here are 5 Timely Tips to help you stay on track when you are working online … read on

And, in the meantime, as you welcome time balance into your life and move into October, perhaps you are drawn to explore Heart-Based Time Management™ more deeply.  I invite you to access Secrets of Heart-Based Time Management™ – my chapter in the book I co-authored – Stepping Stones to Success!  In it you’ll learn about my proven system for harnessing the power of your mind, your body and your spirit to help you deepen your experience of time and of your life.  You can give yourself the gift of this wonderful resource today, and get started on your journey toward success, Stepping Stone by Stepping Stone …just click this link to get the details!

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