Time boundaries are a key time management tool, and one that we often think of when focus and concentration are necessary for completing a task.
But time boundaries are vital, not just for your efficiency and effectiveness, they are fundamentally important for your well-being, too.
Time Boundaries, Your Work and Your Energy
I was recently reminded of this in an article on the Solo-E Blog by my good friend and colleague Heather Dominick. In “How to Quit Wasting Time and Build a Business That Gives You More Freedom, More Money and More Energy!” In it, Heather describes her principle of “time division” as it relates to managing a business. However, as you read her three categories of time, I think you’ll see how it applies to a wide range of life choices and lifestyles.
Heather writes:
This is about time off, time on, and time in your business.
“Time off’ is when you are completely away from your business. Ideally you’re not even thinking about it.
‘Time on’ is when you are engaged in creating in support of your business’ growth (working on your business).
‘Time in’ is when you are serving in your business (serving your clients).
So time off, time on, and time in supports you in holding boundaries and really, truly primarily with yourself as well as with others.
Time Boundaries and Time Off
As we begin a holiday today, here in the United States, I am reminded of the challenges of giving yourself that ‘time off.’ It may be the place where your time boundaries are most challenging (and challenged).
Remember that technology vacation that I mentioned earlier this week? Well, have you ever tried to step away from your technology for a week? A day? Even a few hours? You may need to think about doing this to truly give yourself some real time off!
I recently stepped away from my desk to go for a long walk … overjoyed that the rain had stopped here in New Hampshire! There I was, breathing the clear, dry air … no phones or tablets or laptops … reading material … no to do list … just me and the sun and the birdsong! It was an incredibly refreshing walk as I let my mind relax and wander along with my body.
And you know what? When I returned to my desk I had two great new ideas for Finding Time products pop up, seemingly out of nowhere.
Time Boundaries Create Space
But the thing is, they didn’t come from nowhere. They had been percolating in my subconscious for a long time. So setting my time boundaries to give myself some time off gave me a different kind of uncluttered mental space. And in that space, creative new ideas have the opportunity to pop up and make themselves visible.
So, do you really (I mean really) give yourself time off? Try it today – and see what kinds of gifts emerge.
And while you’re nurturing yourself by setting some time boundaries, wouldn’t it be refreshing to let go of self-criticism and start supporting your best self with your fullest and friendliest energy? My Exercise and Guide Book titled, “‘These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!’ How to Use Positive Self-Talk to Save Your Sanity and Your Time!“ offers proven techniques and practical tips to quiet those disruptive, haunting and hostile voices of self-criticism.
We really can make conscious choices about the kinds of messages that we give ourselves. And as an added bonus when you purchase this Exercise and Guide Book you can quickly get back your investment. You’ll find all the details at the end of the Guide Book.
So, this Exercise and Guide Book gives you a step-by-step path to take back your power and quiet the self-criticism that saps your confidence, your energy, and your time. Just click this link to learn more!
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