Time Tips for You Every Month from The Finding Time E-zine

Time Tips-Your Family LegacyTime tips come in handy, no matter what kinds of challenges life presents.

And today I want to give you a sample of the kinds of time tips – really life tips – that I share each month in my Finding Time E-zine.

It’s at the forefront of my mind today, because I am setting up the next issue for publication tomorrow morning.  And if you’d like to receive a copy, all you need to do is sign up for the Finding Time Success Kit in the sidebar to the right.  (The Success Kit is free, and puts 3 powerful and practical time tools into your hands!)

Today, though, I’d like to share an article from a previous e-zine.  It’s titled “How Family Legacies Shape Your Day” and I think you’ll find it provocative and informative.  I encourage you to engage with the exercise.  Even a little bit of time spent is likely to yield some very interesting insights … AND give you a brand new (and deeper) perspective on your day and how you make your time choices.

Time Tips:  How Family Legacies Shape Your Day

Are you ready to create fresh potentials for yourself and your time? Here’s an opportunity to explore what currently holds you back!

You can gather profound insights by traveling to your roots. From your first breath, your family’s time choices shaped you. Their time legacy still moves through you like an invisible force – until you turn the spotlight on it!

As you investigate your time legacy, certain discoveries might surprise you. No matter what, you can rest assured that whatever you learn, you can put directly to work in your life by developing a more conscious, heart-based relationship with your own time choices.

Exercise: Your Family Legacy – What Makes Yours Unique?

Here’s a simple fill-in-the blank exercise for you. Add in other family members too, if they influenced your early development around time.

1. My mother/father spent lots of time _________ no matter what.

2. My mother/father always wanted to __________ but never took the time.

3. My mother/father spent more time __________ when stressed.

4. I liked the way my mother/father always took time to _______.

5. I felt valued when my mother/father spent time __________.

6. When I was younger, I promised myself I’d never spend time __________ the way my mother/father did.

7. When I look at where my life feels out of balance and think of my mother/father’s time choices, I see that ____________.

What do you discover from completing this exercise?

What are the surprises?

Which of your family’s time choices do you carry with you, and how do you see yourself using them in your life?

Some of your discoveries may be bittersweet. But they are always freeing! And remember that the more compassionately you view their time choices (and yours), the more possibilities open up to you.

Consider dipping into this exercise over time. See what bubbles up today, tomorrow … and don’t forget to ask your dreams for their input, too!

As you let your feelings guide you, new avenues open up, deep within you. Who knows what fresh and inspiring ways you’ll find to use time!

Time Tips Expand and Deepen Your Time Choices

So, I hope you enjoyed the article and sign up to receive the e-zine, if you’re not already a subscriber.  There’s nothing I love more than helping people with their time challenges, so please also feel invited to drop me a line.  I’d love to hear from you and help you find your own, unique brand of heart-based time success!

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  1. How amazing that we wrote about the same thing in our own way and then connected at exactly the same time.

    yes, looking back is important part of creating now and the future.

  2. I’ll try and put this into practice.

  3. I love doing this…love social history

  4. Thank you for these wonderfully provocative questions and tips! A lot of great insight to be mined in the answering.

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