Times of Transition — How You Support Yourself Matters

Springtime daffodils

Times of transition can be energizing…

In times of transition, how do you fare?  Transitions can be disorienting, even when the changes are positive ones.

Springtime is a change that we generally welcome. And yet, as in all times of transition, making space and time to support yourself is a skill that is key to maintaining your energy, productivity, and perspective.

The reality is that your schedule is already busy with relationships, work, and the logistics of daily living.

And then there are times of transition…

Whether you see a change as small or large, it has an impact on your life and your relationships.

So, what are some major life transitions?  Depending on your values, cultural norms, etc. this may vary. So it’s important to always focus on how YOU define a life transition.

Starting or ending primary relationships, having a child, moving to new surroundings, and changing jobs are likely to be major life transitions for many. Other life events may also affect you profoundly. What is unique to you is how you experience such events and how you find the time to meet your personal needs.

What’s a big transition for you?

Take any example of an event that is a life transition. Set aside 15 minutes once or twice a week to think about it. During your 15 minutes of reflection, write down the support you will need and the changes you will need to make to find the time to successfully navigate this transition.

This is a process of developing and deepening your intimacy with yourself. And you may discover things that surprise you.  That’s because times of transition are marked by great opportunity and also great vulnerability.  Think of yourself as a new seedling, germinating and pushing its way up through the ground.  A fundamental change is taking place, and your task is to befriend yourself, help yourself, and nurture yourself, as you come through.

So, welcome the information that you glean from your inner dialogue, and follow through on giving yourself what you need.  In this way you build self-trust.  You come to know, right down to your toes, that you will be there for yourself, no matter what.

How will you get started today?

Want more help?

Change is a fact of life, but do you sometimes feel like it’s coming at you too fast? Or does it pop up unexpectedly and throw all your plans awry? Well, I’d like to share a time tool that helps. no matter what kind of change you’re dealing with.

It’s titled How to Partner with Change and Aging, and to discover more about it right now, just click here: https://thetimefinder.com/partnering-with-change.html

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