Your heart connection is the best base for your time choices.
Indeed, finding time begins with finding your heart. That might seem counter-intuitive but think about it.
So often, when you’re busy, your heart connection feels fainter. That, in turn, can start a constriction that leads straight to urgency, frustration, and feeling that there’s simply not enough of anything to go around.
When you feel yourself tighten like that, don’t panic. Instead, know that you have found the perfect time to transform your world from the inside out by strengthening your heart connection. How?
BE gratitude.
This dramatic shift in consciousness generates instant fulfillment. It may sound unbelievable, but give it a try. Only when you experience how gratitude transforms your approach to life will you truly come to understand.
What will you understand? The basic fact is that you already possess everything that you need in order to live with joy.
And that is abundance.
Your heart connection…
As you simplify your schedule and set aside time to look within, you begin to tune in to how you feel. Notice how you can make healthy decisions for yourself more easily. When you do this, positive builds on positive, and your circle of appreciation just naturally grows.
To enhance the connection you are building, try my “3 Gratitudes” Exercise. Many of you are already familiar with this. Write down 3 things you are grateful for every night.
And as you do this, pay particular attention to how your time choices contribute to these blessings in your life. That’s your power at work. Remember, these choices are all in your hands.
Your journey…
Moving from “scarcity time” to “abundant time” is a journey we each have the power to make for ourselves. Some rewards are immediate. Others come slowly, with patient steps. Nightly rituals like writing down 3 Gratitudes bring a triple benefit.
- Writing your blessings enhances your awareness in the moment.
- Validating your time choices encourages you to identify what activities TRULY bring joy to your life. The answers might surprise you!
- Reviewing your blessings enables you to trace your progress.
By transitioning from the illusion of scarcity to the reality of inner abundance, you create a new flow for yourself. Your creativity has fertile ground to flower, and you feel freer to experiment. “Mistakes” reveal themselves to be the helpful lessons they always were.
How will you enhance your heart connection today? What will be your first step?
Here’s more help…
You face unique questions and are called, continually, to come up with unique solutions. So, I’m offering something to help with that today. It’s a deck of cards — 50 cards, to be exact. And it’s titled Mindful Moments: Heart-Based Reflections on Time and Life. Brief and compelling, each card offers you something to think about. And each card is different.
The focus of this particular card series consolidates decades of my experience into bite-sized reflections and journal prompts. And working with these cards will help you pause, ponder, and deepen your experience. This enriches you, no matter what the world is bringing to your door.
To learn more, click this link:
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