Time Traps 101 – Address Values Conflicts to Get Unstuck

Mouse Trap - Time Traps

Time Traps – they don’t have to keep you stuck!

Time traps – sometimes it feels like they are everywhere!

And what mysteries they can be, those time traps. Does this sound at all familiar? Special pastimes beckon to you invitingly from all angles, and it’s as if your day has a slow leak. Before you know it, night has fallen. What happened to your time?

Well, what happened is it got caught in one of those time traps!

Time traps can be so frustrating … Particularly when you’ve resolved, over and over, to “just say no” to certain activities, but still keep saying, “yes!”

So here’s a fresh approach to try …

Time Traps 101

What if you were to utilize your time traps as clues to follow, so that you could discover hidden values conflicts? Then, you could resolve the underlying issues, liberate power that’s been held hostage to indecision, and free up your time to move forward!

So let’s start by rethinking what a time trap truly is. It’s really a paradox. Even though it punctures your possibilities, each time trap is a deliberate choice you make that serves a specific function in your life.

You choose it, and yet, it works against you. How can this be? Well, perhaps your time trap reflects a battle between conflicting values you hold.

For example, let’s say you spend an extra hour surfing the net for bargains. This means you’ve already used the time that you set aside for starting that great project you looked forward to. Your choice to stay online may manifest one of your values conflicts – no doubt a major one.

Once you can recognize and name a point of conflict, you’ve taken a giant step toward getting yourself unstuck.  The more you explore the in’s and out’s of your time traps, the clearer you’ll become about where you want to go – and how to get there!

Any time you hold opposing values that jostle one another for top billing, time choices get tangled. How can you remain totally loyal to your plans, if you shift and slide from one set of priorities to another? When you can’t decide whether to go right or go left, sometimes, you just stay stuck in one place. And your time traps hold you there.

Don’t dig yourself deeper into a rut by spinning your tires or judging yourself.  Instead, see this time trap as something to investigate. As your self-understanding grows, you can stabilize your hierarchy of priorities and develop decisiveness. Then, you will experience more inner harmony and enjoy greater effectiveness, too!

Remember – You have the power in your hands, whenever you are ready to take it!

And if procrastination is a time trap that holds you back, you’re certainly not alone. Millions of people struggle with this energy draining thief. Procrastination’s costs include lost productivity, lost income, lost opportunities, frazzled nerves and damaged relationships.

My accessible and immediately actionable E-Guide Book titled I Don’t Know Where to Start!” How to Stop Stalling, Get Clear, and Turn Procrastination into Productivity offers you a clear path to get to the roots of your procrastination and start doing rather than delaying — today.

“I Don’t Know Where to Start!” unmasks this time thief with exercises to help you identify your own unique brand of procrastination. And it provides insights to help you successfully address what you discover.

That’s the good news! You really can make conscious choices about your time and how to use it. And you really can change old habits and patterns. Using the tools and skills you’ll learn in “I Don’t Know Where to Start” you’ll get started and keep going!

To learn more about this powerful E-Guide Book and its accompanying bonuses, just click this link.

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