Stymied? Feeling Stuck? Make a Different Choice

Indecisiveness Leaks

Feeling stymied? You have choices.

Feeling stymied?

Well, don’t give up.

When you’re stuck, scared, or just plain stymied, the temptation is to turn (or run) away from whatever you perceive as the problem. It’s instinctual—a knee-jerk reaction that may have saved us when dinosaurs wandered the earth.

But it often doesn’t serve us now.  In many cases, it’s about the worst thing you can do if you’re stuck or scared.  Turning away doesn’t make the problem disappear, but it DOES keep you from moving ahead.

When it comes to finding time, you need to turn toward the problem. And you can train yourself to do it—even when your instincts may be telling you to do the opposite.

Stymied?  You Can Make a Different Choice

What do I mean by turning toward your problem or stuck place? It’s a pretty simple choice, but it’s very powerful.

When you’re in flight mode, or feel yourself avoiding and procrastinating about something, pause and take a breath. Ask yourself what you are afraid will happen or what you expect to happen if you move toward whatever has you stymied.

Let yourself be honest. Don’t overthink.

Once you’ve made your fear or expectation visible to yourself, it immediately loses some of its heft and power. You can bring it down to size even more by introducing your grounded, rational, adult perspective to this internal dynamic.

Get Un-Stuck Using Your Adult Voice

Let’s say you have a project at work and are procrastinating.  You ask yourself what you’re afraid of, and here’s what you learn:

I’m afraid that if I do well on this project, people’s expectations of me will go through the roof, and I’ll have to work harder and harder to keep up.

Seeing the fear gives it a shape and name; now, you can address it with your Adult Voice.  You might say something like:

I see that I’m afraid that success will take away my autonomy. But I know in my heart that I have choices with each step along the way. I choose to do my best and to be clear and direct about my boundaries when I need to. I use boundaries to take care of myself rather than trying to do so by avoiding challenges and limiting my efforts or my aspirations.

Bringing in your Inner Adult when you find yourself stuck in fear or avoidance is a fast and surefire path to finding time. It’s a matter of choice—a power you always hold in your hands.

So how will you exercise that power, starting today?

Here’s some help…

We all have voices that chatter at us throughout the day. The Inner Critic is one of them. Learning to recognize (and counter) this destructive voice is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. The Inner Critic is a negative, debilitating, and constant presence in your life.  And it’s not just the words. It’s the judgmental tone, the rolling eyes, and the scolding wag of the index finger. Beyond sapping your energy and confidence, your Inner Critic robs you of time and profoundly distorts how you see others and feel about yourself. So, what can you do?

Give yourself a big boost with my Exercise and Guide Book titled “These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!” How to Use Positive Self-Talk to Save Your Sanity and Your Time! Part of my popular Voices Package, this E-Guide offers simple, practical exercises, checklists, and tips for learning to recognize and counter the critical voices that disrupt and hurt you.

“This guidebook is by a secret genius, as far as I’m concerned.
Her name is Paula Eder, and she is absolutely brilliant
when it comes to how to be in relationship with self and
how to be in relationship with time.”
Heather Dominick

You have the power to make conscious choices about the messages you give yourself. As you exercise this power, you’ll develop new clarity and confidence and transform your time. “These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!” opens the door and gives you a roadmap, so don’t wait.

Click this link to learn more about the Voices Package and start your empowering journey today.

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