Letting go of time myths frees you!
Time Myths keep you stuck and add to your stress and overwhelm.
And these time myths are often messages that you whisper to yourself and take in, without even realizing that you’re doing it.
So the good news here is that, as you become aware of the time myths that are guiding your actions, you can make conscious choices to let them go.
When you do that, you are freeing yourself for greater productivity and greater satisfaction in your life – each and every moment of it!
7 Time Myths
So what are these time myths? Let’s take a quick look
1. I’ll do It tomorrow when I’m more rested.
Maybe, unless you’re awake all night worrying about the project you haven’t yet completed. Procrastination never helps and if you’re looking for the ‘right time’ you’ll never get started.
2. I work better under pressure.
Actually, under pressure you’re more likely to feel frustrated and anxious, thereby working less effectively and making more mistakes. Feeling pressured rarely helps creativity or precision!
3. I can do this.
Self-confidence is great, but do you say “yes” glibly to requests without realistically thinking through the complexity of the request or the actual time necessary to complete it? Of course you could do it, but when? Do you give yourself permission to say no?
Procrastination never helps and if you’re looking for the ‘right time’ you’ll never get started. (Click to Tweet)
4. I’ll send it by the end of business today.
Don’t agree to a deadline that is not feasible. Make sure you follow through on your commitments. You may be able to renegotiate once. After that, trust begins to erode.
5. This won’t take much time.
Are you sure? Breaking a project or task into small pieces enables you to estimate the actual time frame required more accurately. And remember, things usually take longer than you anticipate.
6. I have so much to do.
No use feeling overwhelmed – it just saps your energy. Instead, make a “to-do” list and prioritize the tasks on it. Let go where you can, and make use of all of your moments. You’ll sleep a whole lot better!
7. I can’t say no.
This relates to some of the other myths listed above. The desire to be all things to all people easily leads to burnout and being overwhelmed. Be proactive. Know your limits, assess your energy level, and set realistic boundaries for yourself. This serves you best in the long run.
Breaking a project or task into small pieces enables you to estimate the actual time frame required more accurately. (Click to Tweet)
To become your most powerful and flexible self, sign up for our free gift, “The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!” This time template will help you move beyond overwhelm, disappointment, and frustration. Using a workbook format, with room to record your answers, you will discover that 24 hours really are enough!
And you’ll also receive 2 bonuses when you claim this powerful time tool … just click this link to get started: http://thetimeschool.com/BoundaryTemplate
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