When you make the choice to brighten your day you give yourself an immediate energy boost.
It doesn’t take a lot, and it’s really that simple.
Every day has its ups and downs. That’s part of life. And sometimes it may feel like you’re experiencing more downs than ups.
But you have a lot more power in your hands than you may realize. And in fact, the choices you make about how you relate to each moment of your day have a profound impact. Those choices not only affect your energy — they also actually affect what happens next.
Brighten your day — 8 simple steps:
So, rather than waiting around for things to change, you can be proactive and brighten your day. Here are some simple steps you can take to add happiness to your hours.
Sometimes it may take a big effort to affect the trajectory of your day. But very often all you have to do is something subtle and simple to completely change how the energy of your day feels. And this, in turn, has an impact on how your day evolves.
1. Step back and step away.
Detach from whatever is creating stress in your life right now and focus on something else. Take some time to curl up with a big bucket of popcorn and your favorite movie. Or just observe your kids or loved ones. Instead of focusing on yourself, take some time to place your attention elsewhere, and make a conscious effort to appreciate what you see.
2. Give yourself a treat.
Do something you don’t ordinarily do, like going out for ice cream. While it’s not a good idea to indulge all the time, it’s definitely okay once in a while. Know yourself and the special treats that speak to you.
3. Get outside.
Taking time to be in nature and just watch the world around you helps clear your mind and put your feet back on the ground. You can do this any time by just going outside. And you don’t have to brighten your day in daylight either. Try observing the beauty of the stars at night.
4. Really relax.
Listen to some music, or take a hot bath, and light some scented candles to include the benefits of aromatherapy to the relaxing warmth of the bath. Or maybe take a brief nap. Even 15-minutes can add to your energy and, by extension, feelings of happiness.
5. Make time for exercise.
This can be a solitary pursuit or something you do with friends. Exercise is a powerful stress-reliever. It’s amazing how expending energy can also give you energy.
6. Let go.
Sometimes you expect too much of yourself. Take some time to look at what you’ve taken on as your responsibilities. Are there things you can let go of in this moment? Breathe deeply and give yourself time to recoup.
7. Enjoy time with your pets.
Pets have a way of helping to put life in perspective. Whether you go outside or stay indoors, take some time to be with a pet and spend some quality time together. See how it refreshes and rejuvenates you.
8. Brighten your day with gratitude.
Be thankful. Reflect on things that you’re grateful for in your life and write them down. Changing your focus in this way adds immediate energy to your day.
The list is truly endless when it comes to ways to brighten your day. Be creative and try new activities that you might like. Most importantly, finding ways to be present in every moment energizes and adds true happiness to your life.
More help to brighten your day…
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