Do Your Best, But Don’t Drive Yourself Crazy

successful outcome

Do your best and you’ll get there.

Striving to do your best is always a worthy goal.  And it’s also a goal that can become a problem if you lose perspective.

If you want to do your best, you need to invest time in preparation and you need to be focused. However, it also involves letting go.

Your time is too precious and too limited to waste it tying yourself in perfectionistic knots.

How often do you try to get something ‘just right’ and then feel frustrated because you keep missing the mark?  And then you adjust and tweak and watch your time slipping away?

Another way to do your best…

Rather than letting perfectionism take over your life, learn to recognize the following 3 messages. They are signs of perfectionism, and you can make different choices and win back your time.

Your new choices also build confidence and expand your sense of what you can do.  So, let’s explore those 3 messages:

Message #1: ‘I need to start when the time is right.’

If you feel this, ask yourself what the ‘right time’ might be? Is it when:

  • You feel inspired?
  • There are no distractions?
  • You have more free time?
  • There are no other demands on your time?
  • Your friend says she’ll help you clean out your cupboards?

In each example, something additional is needed before you can begin. This keeps you stuck and makes you feel less powerful.

Instead, tell yourself that the right time is right now. Now is what you have to work with. When you have a task to do, schedule it on your calendar or to-do list and start. It’s like jumping into cold water.  Once you take the plunge you can enjoy the swim.

Message #2: ‘It is not perfect yet.’

If this is something you tell yourself, follow up with these questions:

  • What do you consider perfect?
  • Is it attainable?
  • Whose eyes are you seeing this through?
  • Are you anticipating criticism?
  • Are your expectations realistic or inflated?

As an antidote, strive for excellence rather than perfection. When you let go of perfectionism you can begin to experience the pleasure of accomplishment.  As your self-confidence and sense of satisfaction in your work grow, the illusion of perfection becomes less and less alluring.

Message #3: ‘I know I can make it better.’

You may have certain weak areas, and it is wise to recognize them and work to strengthen them.  But this is a place where endless time can also be wasted.  How many times have you found yourself tweaking something until you couldn’t even see it clearly anymore?

So, instead, seek feedback. This response is powerful in 3 ways:

  1. Others see with fresh eyes, so if there is something to be made ‘better’ they will probably see it.
  2. Letting this go frees up your time so you can move on to your next task.
  3. The more you open to others’ viewpoints the less you fear their responses.

Think of perfectionism as a bully who saps your energy and sends you into paralysis. When you face that bully you are changing your life. And at the same time, you are creating more time for what’s most important to you.

So, how will you start letting go of perfectionism, beginning today?

More help to do your best…

Perfectionism eats up the energy and undermines the confidence of countless bright, energetic, and talented people. Are you one of them?

 “Why Perfectionists Aren’t Perfect: How to Overcome the Pitfalls of Perfectionism and Change Your Life for Good” puts proven, practical, heart-based time success tools into your hands. It gently steers you to a more profound understanding of your challenges and helps you unlock the door to your freedom.

This is an E-Guide Book to be worked with. And it comes with two powerful bonuses:

  • “Perfectionism and Procrastination: Untangling the Knots”is an immediately downloadable Special Report that sells separately for $9.95 — and is my gift to you! This Special Report takes you by the hand and leads you through sequenced exercises. It also includes a customizable template with concrete examples to help you solidify your learning as you deepen your understanding of yourself and your time choices.
  • And in addition to this Special Report, we’ve added a 5-week e-course. You’ll receive weekly, bite-sized servings of “Why Perfectionists Aren’t Perfect” — right to your in-box.

So, are you tired of feeling like your own worst enemy? And are you ready to step away from perfectionism and free up the time and energy it’s been devouring? Then click the link below to learn more about this transformative time tool and the bonuses that come with it!

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