Your Excellent Effort Beats Perfectionism Any Day

Your excellent effort is worth striving for, always. It nets results that you can be proud of, always. Yet all too often, we ignore an excellent effort while we stubbornly pursue what we think of as perfection. The perfect is held up as the highest ideal. But perfection is just that, an ideal.  It has…

Striving to Be Perfect — It’s Impossible AND It Holds You Back

Striving to be perfect is not what it’s cracked up to be. It’s a problem that often parades itself as a positive.  And it eats up your time and keeps you from accomplishing your goals. Your striving to be perfect may be rooted in your childhood. So now, take a few minutes to recall the…

Do Your Best, But Don’t Drive Yourself Crazy

Striving to do your best is always a worthy goal.  And it’s also a goal that can become a problem if you lose perspective. If you want to do your best, you need to invest time in preparation and you need to be focused. However, it also involves letting go. Your time is too precious…

Perfectionism and Procrastination — A Difficult Combo

Perfectionism and procrastination. They often appear in tandem. And they are a difficult twosome to address. How many of you are familiar with procrastination’s mantra, “I’ll do that tomorrow” or maybe it’s next week or next month?  I’m guessing that most of us have uttered those words more than a few times. And how many have had…

Letting Go of Perfectionism — Compassion Sets You Free

Letting go of perfectionism isn’t easy. Perfectionism is poison — there are no two ways about it. And compassion is the antidote. Time tips can set you free from the things that hold you back and keep you stuck.  Sometimes it’s external roadblocks and inefficiencies, and sometimes we create our own hurdles. And the hurdles are…

Being Perfect — 3 Tips to Stop Holding Yourself Hostage

Being perfect is a standard that many people hold themselves to. It’s an impossible goal that leads to chronic frustration and feelings of failure. And it’s also a value that our culture rewards, even though it’s essentially a trap. Being perfect trips people up in many different ways.  One area where it may present challenges…

Perfectionism is Poison and Compassion is the Perfect Antidote

Perfectionism is poison. But what about your perfectionism? Maybe sometimes it’s subtle. And maybe sometimes it’s glaring. But on any and every level, perfectionism is poison and it exerts a paralyzing influence. So, would you say that perfectionism is poison for you? If so, the first challenge is to recognize it. Only when you see…