Finding Time usually works best when you’re familiar with your time demands and your terrain. But when you’re going through a transitional time you may not know what your top priorities are at any given moment.
Recently I was reviewing some of our Finding Time Tips, and came upon this one. I think it will be helpful.
Try it out when you’re in the midst of a transition and are unsure about how to resolve your priority conflicts:
Compassionate curiosity can clarify priority conflicts in your schedule.
Action Step:
Identify which choices reflect your ambivalence about what matters most. Next, invite a friendly “conversation” amongst your options. That’s going to help you arrive at a satisfying resolution.
For me, those internal “conversations” often offer a wealth of unexpected, helpful information! I’d love to hear what happens when you try this tip and action step.
What if you could find another hour every week? You can! For more resources, you are invited to sign up for my free weekly Tips. Each Tip is paired with a practical action step that you can use IMMEDIATELY … and as a bonus for signing up, you’ll also receive my free, monthly Award-Winning E-zine!
Let’s explore time together …
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