Your Self-Critical Messages — You Can Turn Them Off

Critical Voice

Your self-critical messages hold you back.

Your self-critical messages probably devour as much time and energy as your productive activity does.

But while eating up energy, your self-critical messages leave you with nothing to show for it.

Except, you can add lost time as more grist for that negative, nagging voice.

It’s a vicious cycle, and the good news is that there is a way to step in and stop it.

That’s because once you begin to recognize those messages and see where they come from, you have a huge piece of information that will help you turn all that negativity around.

Your Self-Critical Messages Hurt

The quality of every one of our moments is important. Time is the arena where we achieve or undermine our dreams. And those negative messages? They are nothing but undermining.

Often these inner messages were learned in our earliest years from family, friends, teachers, and other significant people in our lives. And as we grow into adulthood, those old messages don’t automatically go away.

Positive or negative, helpful or unhelpful, these voices are a constant murmuring that affects how you feel about yourself, how you approach problems, and, in the end, how successful or unsuccessful you are.

Do You Hear What You Tell Yourself?

If you had a friend who constantly undermined you, saying things that sapped your energy and were downright insulting, would you continue to spend time with that person? My guess is that you would not.

So try slowing down for a moment. Right now. Let yourself be quiet. Listen to the messages that you are giving yourself. Do they sound all that different from that negative friend of yours? My guess is they do not.

Remember, your life is precious, as is your time. You deserve to live in a meaningful and satisfying way. And you possess everything you need, this very instant, to start doing just that.

There is a clear, heart-based path to the life you want to be living. And this isn’t magic that I am talking about. However, it involves a level of self-knowledge that is so simple, empowering, and so transformative that it can FEEL like magic. So, do you want to stop undermining yourself?

What will be your first step?

Here’s Help to Stop Your Self-Critical Messages:

You hold the power to make conscious choices about the kinds of messages you give yourself. As you exercise this power, you’ll develop new clarity and confidence – and transform your time.

“These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!” opens the door and gives you a roadmap, so don’t wait. Click this link to learn more about the Voices Package and get started on your empowering journey today.

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