Find Time to Share Using Google Circles and Google +1: Timely Tech Tips

Finding time to share information with friends, family and colleagues is, more and more, a social-networking function.  And Facebook has long been the platform-of-choice for those kinds of exchanges.

Now Google has increased the choices substantially by creating its own social network:  Google +.  As Lance Ulanoff noted recently in a post on Mashable, The Gloves are Off.  He notes:

As I’ve said before, Facebook’s lead in the social space is beyond substantial — but clearly the company feels the heat. Google+’s wealth of announcements and features makes it, I think, instantly competitive with Facebook. Even so, Google+ is so rich that it could overwhelm typical Facebook users who want to confine their usage patterns to the Facebook tools they know and love.

The easiest way to think about Google +1 is as Google’s answer to Facebook’s “Like” button.  The important thing to keep in mind is that pressing either button is going to have an impact on the SEO for the item you are recommending.  How this plays out has yet to be seen, but I can imagine no situation in which adding the +1 button to your on-line material would be a detriment.  (You can try it out on this post!)

Google Circles is another new Google feature that allows you to share information with specified “circles” of people.  The intent of this feature is much like the new Facebook Lists feature that we highlighted last week.

Here is a brief video with an overview of how Google Circles works:

PC World has posted an article offering “9 Reasons to Switch from Facebook to Google +”  What do you think?  (Here is their step-by-step review of the Google + experience, too.)

At this point, Google + is very new, but we have enough information to know that it is a very promising tool which may have a monumental impact on social networking in the weeks, months, and years ahead.  One thing we do know right now, however, is that adding Google + to your on-line material can’t do anything but improve your SEO.  Arer you ready to give Google + a try?

And while I’m on the subject of finding time for making the most of your social networking efforts, are you a solopreneur, consultant, or small business owner who’s ready to take the next big step?

If you want to learn how to create and to keep a successful business running on your own, then this is for you! “How to Create Credibility as a Freelancer” is a booklet with 70 expert-proven tips that will help you recharge your energy and motivation, increase your visibility, and sharpen those vital organizational and time management skills.

Success is within your reach, so don’t wait, click this link and get started today!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have no material connection with Google, and have not received any compensation for writing this content.

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