Free Tools and Apps We’re Grateful for This Cyber Monday

Free tools and apps are always welcome, aren’t they? So today, when on-line shoppers search for deals, we’re appreciating some of our favorite freebies. Many of these are products that we’ve written about here in the past. Our top picks help amp up our productivity here at The Time Finder, are easy to use, and help…

Online Safety Tip – Protect Yourself with Peek this Cyber Monday

Online safety is at a premium these days, with hacking happening everywhere. It’s vital to be careful and on the alert for internet scams and phishing schemes. This is especially true as we come to rely more and more on the web in our everyday lives. Each Monday, here at The Time Finder, I share…

A Time-Saver – IQTELL Keeps You in Sync on Cyber Monday

Here’s a time-saver for you to check out today! It’s called IQTELL and it’s is a productivity app that works on your PC/Mac and on mobile devices. That means that this powerful time-saver is accessible wherever you are, for starters. We had written about IQTELL in a previous Cyber Monday post, and when I recently  TweetSharePinShare

Transform Your Time and Life with New Habits for Health and Success

If you want to transform your time and your life, where do you start? The answer might really surprise you. Since ‘transform’ is such a big, all-encompassing word, you naturally expect it to involve major changes and upheavals. But in reality, if you want to transform your time, your life, and yourself,  TweetSharePinShare

BitTorrent Sync vs. Dropbox-Save Money and Find Time

BitTorrent Sync is a file sharing tool that my VA uses and has been intrigued about for some time. I’ve heard about BitTorrent Sync – from her and from others – for years, but it always seemed very ‘techie’ to me and rather incomprehensible. Well, she recently shared an article with me that she had found…

Need a Fast Screenshot? Try Greenshot and Find Time!

Getting a good screenshot can sometimes be a bit more time-consuming than you’d like. There’s always the old ‘Print Screen’ command – but the screenshot you get is usually going to need some cropping and other editing tweaks. Jing is a nice screenshot tool that we’ve written about here in the past and that we’ve used…

Looking Back, Learning and Finding Time

Looking back as you get ready to move ahead is an excellent way to learn from mistakes, consolidate gains and find time. That’s because time spent looking back allows you to review what worked and what kinds of time choices were most useful to you. This enables you to carry your best choices