Find Time by Managing Your Twitter Time

Twitter LogoTwitter, as you read nearly everywhere, is the big thing in social networking right now. Along with the millions of people who are sold on its virtues, there are those who see it as a waste of time and/or a reflection of the rampant narcissism of our age.

Twitter Pro’s and Con’s

Gillian Reagan offers a somewhat skeptical view of Twitter in her piece titled “All That Twitters,” in The New York Observer.  She ends with this mixed and, ultimately, ironic summary:

At its worst, Twitter is an addictive annoyance that could just end up being another fad in the ever-changing tech landscape. But at its best, Twitter provides a vast array of often informative, sometimes hilarious, updates from the Web into one place. And crafting tweets is a daily practice in pithy precision. My account is @gillianmae. Come follow me.

For many, Twitter is a very valuable means of sharing information and fostering connections.  It is a fluid community, in which you choose whose updates to “follow” – and others choose whether or not to follow you.  Those choices shape the kinds of “conversations” that flow your way.  It’s in your hands.

Tweeting at The Time Finder

I’m still very new at Twitter and tweeting.  So far it’s been a wonderful venue for discovering people with common interests, and coming upon resources and bits of interesting information that I might never otherwise have known.  The amount of tweeting to be waded through can be daunting, but there are lots of tools available to help Twitterers hone in on areas of particular interest.

What can be most challenging about Twitter is setting and maintaining time boundaries when Tweeting.  It is easy to get caught up in conversations – either as a participant or simply as an observer.  Time goes by, and you can find yourself regretting lost moments.

Time Boundaries and Twitter

Darren Rowse wrote a piece title “How to Stop Twitter Becoming a Waste of Time” on his blog Twitip. In his post he offers tips to keep from letting Twitter become a black hole for your time.  Key elements in his suggestions are boundaries and discipline.

As with so many other elements of time management, it is key to be able to say “No” to certain things at certain times, so that you can say “Yes” to other possibilities and responsibilities in your life.

For Twitterers, that may mean saying “No” to the temptation of checking Twitter “just once more” (it definitely can be addictive).  It could also mean saying “No” to an interesting topic and sticking to your Tweet focus (while adding the new topic to a list for later).

It may be helpful to remember that on Twitter the conversation is ongoing … so your “No” in the moment isn’t necessarily for all time.  You can jump back in later.  The key is to be true to the time boundaries that you set, and to make your time choices be conscious ones!

Do you use Twitter?  If so, how do you use it, and how do you feel about the time you spend on it?  I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Oh, and PS … you can follow me on Twitter at @paulaeder.  😉

Here’s something more for you…

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Let’s explore time together …


  1. Cathy Goodwin says

    Thanks for the tip (and I really like your website name!). I admit Twitter can be addictive…and so can blogging about Twitter! I just blogged and gave a free class on Twitter copywriting:

    One consideration: It’s not the time, it’s the productivity that I would question. Twitter and FB have been a good source of subscribers and buyers for me.

  2. Hi Cathy – Thanks for stopping by, and for sharing the link to your Twitter post! (I always enjoy your sense of humor.) I certainly agree with you about the productivity piece, and would add that the trick is to find the balance point, where productivity and time spent intersect optimally. An evolving process, to be sure!

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