Workspace Woes? Nurturing Energy Finds You More Focus and Time!

WorkspaceYour workspace is key in shaping the energy that you bring to your work.  Whether it’s located inside your home or elsewhere, your workspace has a powerful impact – and YOU have lots of choices about the quality of that impact.  You really do!

So, let’s explore how to extend open and nurturing energy to yourself through your workspace!

Your Workspace Can Be Nurturing

That’s the first thing to realize.  Maybe you’ve created a personal, heart-based sanctuary for yourself somewhere in your home.  The energy you experience there is rejuvenating, isn’t it?  So how about extending that same kind of welcoming energy toward yourself in other areas – including your workspace?  Let’s try it – and then pay attention to how it affects your experience of your time and energy.

Your Workspace is Yours

Envision your workspace. Whether you work inside or outside the home, alone or with family or colleagues, a nurturing workspace invites you to do your best with the maximum of comfort and the minimum of stress.  Your deserve that – and in most situations, you can make it happen!

Assess Your Workspace

So, spend some time in your workspace – really let yourself experience it as it is.  Ask yourself:

  • How do you feel when you first enter this space?
  • Is the lighting sufficient?
  • Do you have a comfortable place to stand, move, or sit?
  • Are your work tools adequate to your tasks?

You can learn a lot by noticing ways you have or have not yet created an optimal space for yourself.

Your Workspace Can be Revealing

Open up to an even wider perspective.  It may well be that what is lacking in your work environment reflects other things about your approach to work.

For example, if you mercilessly push yourself to get through the workday. you may pick up on that as you notice serious deficits in your workspace. How you treat yourself in one area will be echoed in lots of other areas of your life – there are clues and lessons everywhere!

So if, on the other hand, you spend much of your time at work wishing you were elsewhere, you may discover that distractions in your workspace are slowing your progress and making you feel trapped.

Your Workspace – Tweaking It for Yourself

Imagine yourself walking into an environment that welcomes you. Notice how your shoulders relax and you feel naturally drawn to focus on your work. Your creativity is stimulated, you can easily access the tools you need, and you work efficiently and comfortably.  Know that you can tweak your workspace to create this welcome for yourself.  How?  Well, ask yourself:

  • How does this ideal space differ from your current work setting?
  • How might you modify the colors, the organization, the equipment and boundaries to better support yourself and your work?

Any change will boost your morale, and no beginning is too small.

And while you’re nurturing yourself concretely in your workspace, wouldn’t it be refreshing to let go of self-criticism and start supporting your best self with your fullest and friendliest energy?  My Exercise and Guide Book titled, “‘These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!’ How to Use Positive Self-Talk to Save Your Sanity and Your Time! offers proven techniques and practical tips to quiet those disruptive, haunting and hostile voices of self-criticism.

We really can make conscious choices about the kinds of messages that we give ourselves.  And as an added bonus when you purchase this Exercise and Guide Book you can quickly get back your investment. You’ll find all the details at the end of the Guide Book.

So, this Exercise and Guide Book gives you a step-by-step path to take back your power and quiet the self-criticism that saps your confidence, your energy, and your time.  Just click this link to learn more!

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