Find Time to Step into Heart-Based Success!

So, what is heart-based success?  And how do you get there?

Well, finding time to move from where you are to where you want to be is a good way to describe success. And I like this description because it emphasizes the step-by-step nature of the journey.  You see, it’s always incremental. And that’s where the power lies.

So, what better time to focus on your heart-based success than on a day like today? As you pause on the cusp of summer, why not reflect for a moment.

Take some time to open your heart. And step toward new beginnings.

What is heart-based success?

When I think about what is involved in launching and sustaining a successful small business, I often think of a quote that Connie Ragen Green shared some time ago:

“If you’re willing to do for a year what others won’t, you can live for the rest of your life the way others can’t.”

So, you plug away, step by step. This is the bedrock of your successful, heart-based enterprise. And it’s true of any enterprise, for that matter.

But what makes your heart-based success different? Well, it’s the added ingredient of stepping back and reflecting. When you work from a heart-based foundation, you constantly check in with yourself.

You strive to make sure that your values and energies are in sync with what you do. So, you regularly engage in a dynamic give-and-take between your mind, body, and spirit.

Being and doing…

And if you are a heart-based entrepreneur, you define success by both doing and being. It’s not just one. And it’s not just the other.

Here’s a wonderfully direct passage I read not too long ago on the Monday Morning Memo:

We stay too busy to think big thoughts. This frantic busyness, this voluntary slavery to the merely urgent is preferred, I think, because big thoughts make us realize that we are much smaller creatures than we like to pretend.

So you measure heart-based success both by persistence and courage.

First, there’s steadiness. You manifest this when you stick to the everyday tasks that must be done to thrive.

And second comes your willingness to think big thoughts. You manifest this when you ask tough questions and make tough choices.

So, it’s the combination of your persistence and courage that bring you heart-based success.

Here’s more help:

And now, are you inspired to find more time and increase your effectiveness, efficiency, enjoyment, and heart-based success?

Then start by exploring Secrets of Heart-Based Time Management. It’s my chapter in the book I co-authored — Stepping Stones to Success.

Read about my proven system for harnessing the power of your mind, your body, and your spirit. And identify your patterns, clarify your values, prioritize your goals, and create your path for achieving them.

Explore in-depth interviews that offer practical and heart-based ideas to get you moving. And learn to embrace yourself and your own uniqueness.  As one reader has said:

In fostering a climate of ever-expanding and deepening discovery, Paula’s system offers solutions that are founded in self-knowledge. They have a resonance and a wisdom that I find to be very unusual in the time management sphere.  Jordy Cornog, Canterbury, NH

So, give yourself the gift of this wonderful resource today. And get started on your journey toward success, Stepping Stone by Stepping Stone, by clicking this link.

And what if you could find another hour every day? You can.

Just sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. You’ll find 3 key tools for your time success here. So, claim your Success Kit and recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration. And come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough.

Let’s explore time together…


  1. Terri Zwierzynski says

    “Finding time to move from where you are to where you would like to be…” — what a great reminder that **change takes time**. Whether it’s a change in our life, or in our business, or in ourselves, it’s gonna take time to instill a new habit or let go of an old habit. I think sometimes when we say “I want to change”, we want it to happen overnight, and then we get frustrated when it doesn’t work that way. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Thanks for your comment, Terri. I thoroughly agree! It’s so easy to sabotage our efforts by expecting too much too soon, getting frustrated, losing confidence and momentum, and then, ultimately, giving up.

    So much better to stay grounded and let things unfold naturally and without undue haste or pressure.

    Slow and steady really does win the race!

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