Take a Walk Around the Lake — Deepen into Yourself

What does it mean to deepen, and why is it important? It might seem counterintuitive, but finding time to pause and reflect always enhances your productivity and boosts your energy. Indeed, the simple act of taking a small break and a deep breath is rejuvenating. Why is that? It has to do with your energy, I…

Reflection Time Helps Honor Your Transformative Transitions

Reflection time is time you set aside for yourself – time to breathe deeply and take in the present moment, along with the steps that brought you to this place. When big changes are happening – like the turning of a season or of the year – reflection time is an especially meaningful gift to…

Choose Gratitude to Expand and Deepen Your Time Every Day!

Gratitude is on the minds of many here in the States, on the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday. And yet, when it comes to your experience of each and every one of your days, if you consistently choose gratitude it has a profound effect on your perspective and your energy throughout the year. The power is in your…

Your Technology Cleanse – Refresh, Rejuvenate, Reboot

Have you ever considered a Technology Cleanse? Usually I write on Monday’s about time and technology — and today I’m taking a slightly different tack, because technology is a mixed bag. Certainly, technology is a helpful tool. But along with all of its pluses, it eats up time and energy,  TweetSharePinShare

Self-Care is Vital! 5 Rituals to Soothe, Energize and Find Time

Self-Care is key to your success and satisfaction no matter what your goals and responsibilities may be. Indeed, life gets way too busy. So busy, sometimes, that you may feel like you don’t have time to take care of yourself. But that’s a big mistake!

Strong Time: 3 Markers for Your Heart-Based Journey

In our last post we explored the concept of Strong Time and the profoundly different experience of time (and of yourself) that it offers. Remember, the most powerful promise of the Heart-Based Time Management™ System is about opening up to yourself and your own unexplored potential.

Deepen into Strong Time for Heart-Based Peace and Calm

Strong Time is a powerful concept that has its roots in the early 20th century.  First described by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim, the core ideas about strong time were then expanded upon by the