The Times-Three Rule — A Powerful Stress-Reducer and Planning Tool

When it comes to reducing your stress, planning is key. And the Times-Three Rule is something to keep in mind, especially at this busy time of year. Not to be alarmist, but have you noticed that Thanksgiving is nearly here? And the rest of the winter holidays are right behind? So, the thing is, the…

Find Time to Plan Ahead for Holiday Joy: 3 Timely Tips!

Finding time to do everything you need to and still fully enjoy the magic of the Holiday Season can be a big challenge.  That’s why it’s good to start thinking about it early.  If you prepare for your holidays now, you’ll find more time to enjoy friends and family throughout this special season. Here are…

Finding Time with the Times Three Rule

Not to raise any time management red flags or anything, but have you noticed that Thanksgiving is nearly here, and Christmas and New Year’s are right behind? Your time choices today will definitely affect your experience on December 25th and January 1st, and even November 27th!By preparing for each upcoming holiday now, you’ll feel less…