Find Time to Short Circuit Self-Sabotage and Make Every Minute Count

Sabotage?  You?

Well, picure this: Do you ever find yourself getting ready for bed and suddenly feeling like your busy day was a blur and you’re not sure where it went?  Or maybe you have a To-Do List that’s a mile long. Maybe it’s looming deadlines around the corner. And ontop of all that, your 2 kids need costumes for the school play.

You get the picture!

Does overwhelm get the upper hand?  Do you start feeling unfocused and without a clue about where to start?  Feel like you’re paralyzed in those headlights that are barreling toward you?

This is ripe ground for self-sabotage.

Why here?  Because you feel stressed, and a part of you would like to flee.

So it’s really important to be on the lookout for that small, soothing-sounding voice that invites you to relax a little. It might tell you you can take a moment and surf the net. Or turn on the TV.  It has all kind of ideas to ‘help’ you escape the overwhelm.

Sabotage? Don’t trust it!

In fact, the best thing to do when you recognize that tempting tone is to assert yourself and say a resounding “No.”

You see, we often think of assertiveness as a skill that we need to learn to use with others.  And there’s no doubt that that’s very important.  However, at base assertiveness is a skill that starts and ends with ourselves.

Setting goals, making plans, and creating time boundaries all require assertiveness with ourselves, first and foremost. Assertiveness is key if we’re to follow-through and accomplish whatever we set out to do.

Consider this…

When I was recently interviewed by our local newspaper, the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, I spoke to this point:

We sabotage ourselves. Everybody does that,” said Eder, explaining that there are literally a million ways people spend unproductive hours every day. Whether its surfing the Internet or clicking around all the channels on TV, or even picking up the phone when it would be better to continue on the task at hand, “We’re not learning to say, No.” She said that in most cases it’s an assertiveness issue …

And that’s not to say that you shouldn’t give yourself breaks.  What’s fundamentally important is this: Whatever you do, make sure it comes from your clear, adult choices and not from self sabotage. When you are listening to the adult voice inside, you will find that you know where your time went.  You may not accomplish everything you set out to, but you are likely to feel good about what you did.

“Every choice we make is a time choice,” said Eder. “Everything we do is a function of time.”

And here’s more help…

What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!

Let’s explore time together …

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