Finding time to clear out the “stuff” that gets in your way is an ongoing task for most of us. Whether that “stuff” is e-mail clogging your in-box, objects littering your space, or thoughts and worries that keep you stuck … it’s all clutter. And it all manages to get between you and your ability to live your most fulfilled and joyful life.
That’s because when we live in the midst of things that we don’t really use … or enjoy … or even need … they do take up space and attention. You can rest assured that your energy is depleted and drained by the small (or large) pockets of chaos that clutter creates in your life.
Whether it’s shame about the way your space looks, or worry about what might be getting “lost in the shuffle” – clutter depletes and discourages you.
Try picturing the kind of space that you’d like to live in … or the kind of day that would be your ideal. What does it look like? Do you see piles of clutter or a clogged To Do List in your image?
That’s a small clue about how much your clutter may actually be eating at you, even if it’s not something that you’ve realized you’re consciously bothered by.
So, what next? Well, the good news is that you can most definitely make inroads in that clutter, transforming your energy as you make changes in your space and your time choices!
And, as you start letting go of your clutter, whether it’s in your bedroom or on your To Do List, you will find that your energy is freed up in all sorts of new and exciting ways!
To learn lots more about you, your clutter, and how to disentangle yourself from it, please join me for the next interview in my Finding Time EducationRich and HeartBased Teleseries! Just click this link to sign up for Unclutter Your Space, Your Time and Your Mind: Live Your Life from a Place of Joy – my interview with Intuitive Organizer and Founder of A Place of Joy Jennifer Zwiebel. If you can’t make the call (it’s on October 19 at 7PM ET) sign up anyway and we’ll send you the MP3 after the call! This excellent information is all free!
What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!
Let’s explore time together …
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