Enlarge Your Heart and Transform Your Time with Gratitude

When you enlarge your heart with gratitude you truly change your life. Your sense of possibility and your sense of time are both transformed. Gratitude is always a choice that enlarges your heart and enriches your time and your life — always. And it’s anything but sentimental or irrelevant. As Gerald Good once noted, “If…

Too Stressed? Here are 3 Tips That Will Transform Your Time

Too stressed? Surefire cures are hard to come by, but decreasing your stress is one of the best ways I know of to increase your focus, energy, creativity, and appreciation of life’s moments. And yet stress reduction is not likely to be your first, reflexive response when things get busy and your mind and energy…

New Growth — How to See Change Differently and Transform Your Experience

New growth is happening all around us here in NH as spring takes hold and moves toward summer. It’s a change that we generally welcome. And yet, being open to the constancy of change is one of the biggest challenges that we face as human beings. So it’s interesting to consider this as we come…

Enjoy Your Day, No Matter What — How to Transform It with Appreciation

When you enjoy your time you are in it. But that isn’t necessarily easy or natural in all situations. Indeed, the advice to ‘enjoy your day’ may be a challenge sometimes. But taking it to heart and following through on it is well worth the effort. So, here’s an example from a recent day in…

Change a Pattern to Transform Your Vision and Your Time

When you change a pattern, everything shifts. Sometimes the shift is subtle. Other times it may be seismic. But either way, learning to recognize patterns and then make conscious choices about them is one of the most powerful skills that you can cultivate in your life.  Patterns help, but… Creating systems and templates (both are…

Transforming Misfortune — How to Reframe Life’s Challenges Every Day

Transforming misfortune into something more positive has been an all-too-frequent task in 2020. Indeed, this year has presented us all with more curveballs than most if any, major league pitchers could ever throw. And the changes and upheavals seem to just keep coming. It’s no wonder that many people feel like they are drowning and…

Being Still — Your Path to Focus and Deep Change

What does being still have to do with finding focus and with change? Well, let’s start with the fact that we are each unique. And that means that each of our paths in life is also going to be unique. So, finding your own, authentic path forward in life often requires finding time to be…