Choice-Making — How to Make Your Time Choices Your Own

Choice-making is basically how you give shape to your life. I was reading an article about choice-making the other day.  The author noted that the simple act of making choices can be empowering. When it comes to finding time, I would have to add that it definitely depends on where your choice-making is coming from.…

Your Personal Power Boost — Get One Step Beyond Stuck!

Personal power is about the time choices you make in each and every moment. It’s isn’t a magical quality that you’re born with. No, not at all! Personal power is right within your hands, in each moment. It’s a direct result of your choice-making. So today, let’s see how far you can venture, simply by making the…

Finding Time for Gratitude

Finding time to be grateful is one of the keys to living your fullest life. The attitude of gratitude opens hearts and minds as nothing else can. Gratitude reframes challenges, making them manageable. It unpacks the gifts in each moment and transforms grey-looking landscapes into colorful tableaux! On the Website Think Simple Now, there’s a…

Finding Time to Make Time Choices That are Really Your Own

Choices are the building blocks of your day, each and every day. I was reading an article about choice-making recently. The author noted that the simple act of making choices can be empowering. So, are your choices empowering? When it comes to finding time, I would have to add that it definitely “depends!” If you…