Yes, indeed. Read on and I’ll explain…
Finding time to deal with financial issues is a huge challenge at any time, and particularly these days. I recently published an article at E-zine titled Time Management Tools – 7 Tips to Banish Blocks to Managing Money and Time that offers some tips for tough times.
I’d like to focus on just one area this morning — what I call ‘the iceberg principle.’ When you come upon an issue relating to your choices about time or money, it’s a good rule of thumb to assume that you’re not aware of the root of the issue at the outset, and that, indeed, 7/8 of it is invisible to you, just like an iceberg.
The hidden base of your iceberg may reveal surprises. Problems in almost any area of your life will eventually manifest in your schedule and in your budget. So to revise difficult money and time choices, explore and chart the submerged 7/8 of the situation. Mastering your time and your money challenges entails confronting how you approach freedom, responsibility, and relationships.
The work of exploring your feelings and choices is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. It is also an area that is fraught with obstacles and impediments, including critical messages and ancient assumptions. When navigating in and around icebergs, it’s always a good idea to operate on two levels.
- First, you need to make sure that your ship stays afloat. If finances are the issue confronting you, deal with your current situation in as clear and rational a way as you can.
- Concurrently, set aside time for exploring, uncovering, and chipping away at the unseen parts of any icebergs you discover. This will help you to avoid future accidents. It’s the deeper work that can be so revealing, freeing and empowering, if you set aside some time for it.
When you’re doing this deeper work, be sure that you “return” to your present-day ship after each exploration. You want to be seeing clearly and not working off of old messages while you steer yourself through the icebergs.
Have you found time to explore your choices about time and money? I’d love to hear what you think!
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Let’s explore time together…
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