Keyboard or Mouse – Shortcuts Help You Find Time

Keyboard or Mouse?  For those who do a lot of work at their computers, this isn’t an idle consideration.  How you use these fundamental tools can either save you time – or lose precious moments. The increments may be tiny, but they mount up.

Spam Clogging Your Comments? Say No Using This Timely Tip!

Spam is one of the perennial annoyances of blogging.  How much time do you spend weeding out the spam from your blog’s comments? Wouldn’t you love to use those moments for something more productive?  Well, read on, 

Find Time for AutoHotKey and … Find More Time!

Finding time to make the most of your writing time is a perennial challenge. If you’re a blogger, or if you have an online business that involves lots of communication, you’re probably at the keyboard quite a bit!  And if your business depends on connecting with your customers, you will want to be able to…

Find Time to Think of Hashtags as Twitter Keywords on Cyber Monday

Finding time to understand and use hashtags on Twitter had not been a big part of my Twitter practice ’til now, but it appears to definitely be worth the time investment. In a post on Twitip last month, Marcus Emmanuel Barnes wrote titled “Why You Should Consider Using Hashtags” that helped me to think about…