Time and Money Disappearing? This Helps You Plug Those Leaks

Leaks aren’t good. When you’ve got a leak, whether it’s in a tire, a boat, or anywhere else, you’re going to be in trouble if you don’t tend to it. So, if you feel like your money or your time (or both) keep disappearing, it’s a good chance you’ve got some leaks that need checking. And…

Scarcity Got You Trapped? Free Yourself with 3 Timely Tips

Scarcity, as we noted earlier this week, is a matter of perspective and choice, rather than a description of reality. And as we discovered with the meaning that we ascribe to failure, scarcity limits your perspective in ways that you can absolutely 

Templates and Time Resources: Favorites from The Time Finder

Templates, tips, and on-line time resources were a high priority for readers of The Time Finder this past month.  Whether it was a new on-line tool for tracking your energy and time, or tips for using templates to enhance the holidays, time and technology resources were at the top of the list. Take a look…

Time Choices: 3 Tips for Using Templates This Holiday Time

Time flies, doesn’t it?  How many of you are amazed at how quickly the time goes from Halloween to Thanksgiving to the December holidays? But even though the time feels like it speeds by, your time choices can help you to enjoy one day at a time as you progress from holiday to holiday.  And the time…

SEO, Self-Care and Energy: Find Time for August's Time Finder Favorites!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was on lots of people’s minds in August, judging from our traffic at The Time Finder.  The impact of Google Penguin is something that people are still grappling with as summer draws to a close and we look ahead to a new season. So, as we do each month, let’s take…

SEO, Self-Care and Energy: Find Time for August’s Time Finder Favorites!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was on lots of people’s minds in August, judging from our traffic at The Time Finder.  The impact of Google Penguin is something that people are still grappling with as summer draws to a close and we look ahead to a new season. So, as we do each month, let’s take…

Scarcity to Abundance: Replace Killer Time Lies with Powerful Affirmations

Scarcity is so constricting, isn’t it? The good news is that scarcity (and especially time scarcity) is, in very large part, a mindset.  Yet finding time to tap into abundance and expand your horizons requires some focused effort. To make a strong start, one surefire step is to actively