Feeling Stuck About a Project? Well, This Will Surely Help…

When you’ve got a project on your horizon and you’re feeling stuck, what do you do? It can feel overwhelming, and the more time passes, the larger the project looms. So, the first bit of advice I’ll give you is simple: Remember that a project isn’t a monolith. (Click to Tweet) Indeed, any project has…

Procrastination Got You Spinning? These 3 Questions Help.

Procrastination is a big problem for lots of smart, talented people. Are you one of them? If so, you know that procrastination steals your time and energy. It eats away at your confidence and self-trust. It adds to your stress. It’s nothing but frustrating and discouraging; and It’s something that we all do from time…

Task Planning – Increased Detail Equals Increased Success!

Task planning is a time management skill that offers a surefire path for getting you from where you are to where you want to be. In other blog posts recently we’ve written about the power of chunking tasks down into bite-sized pieces, respecting your natural work rhythms, 

Chores Galore: How to Use Templates to Increase Efficiency and Find Lots More Time!

Templates are among the most useful time management tools going. Easy to create and maintain, they are powerful time-savers that you need to add to your time management repertoire, if you haven’t already! Finding time with task templates is 

Time-Saving Tip: Try Google Keep to Find Time!

Time-saving tools are always helpful, and the simpler they are, the better they are.  That’s why I was intrigued to read about this free Chrome extension for jotting quick notes. It’s called Google Keep and it’s very easy to install and use.  Once set-up, this 

Find Time to Thrive by Focusing on Your Minutes to Optimize Your Hours!

Finding time to get everything accomplished in the time that we have is a constant challenge, isn’t it?  Especially at this busy time of year, it can feel like you’re just barely keeping your head above water … when what you really want to be doing is focusing and appreciating each moment. So how can…

Find Time to Stay on Top of It All AND Free Your Mind with Evernote

Finding time to get everything done, and keep up with all of the information that is at our fingertips these days can be a daunting task. How many times have you noticed something on the web that you wanted to write about or look into, only to get interrupted or move on to something else…